In our efforts to provide a safe environment, Hamlet houses displaying an orange and blue emblem are designated "Safe Houses" for children in case of an emergency. We encourage everyone to:
Lock your homes, garage, and car doors
Do not leave any items in your cars when parked outside.
Report incidents when they happen (info listed below)
Keep porch lights on at night
If you have questions, please reach out to Terry Hatami (Hamlet Safety Chair) // (703) 447-1244
Reporting issues
Missing Street Signs: Report missing or damaged street signs to the Fairfax County Sign Shop at (703) 934-2840. Remember to state whether the post and sign are missing,
or just the signs.Missing Traffic Signs: Call Fairfax County Traffic Engineering at (703) 383-2395.
Potholes: Call the Virginia Department of Transportation (703) 383-8368. Staff will need to know the exact location of the pothole or road damage.
Abandoned Cars: Call the Fairfax County Police on their non emergency number (703) 691-2131 or Virginia State Police on non emergency number (703) 323-4500.
Poorly-Timed Traffic Signals: Call the Fairfax County Signal Shop at (703) 383-2776.
Street Light Malfunctions/Outages: Report street light problems to Virginia Power at 1-888-667-3000. You may also report a street light outage to Fairfax County.
Crime Incidents/Suspicious Activity: Call the County Operations Center at (703) 691-2131. For non-life threatening situations, the procedure is that a phone report is taken over the phone which is followed up by a call from an investigator, usually within 24 hours. For routine inquiries, call the McLean Station at (703) 556-7750 or their Crime Prevention Unit at (703) 734-0756.
Community Complaint Form: File a Community Complaint form with Fairfax County for concerns regarding personal property use and upkeep, construction site issues, noise concerns, signs on private property and more.
Home Security Surveys
Upon request, a Fairfax County Police Officer or auxiliary officer will conduct a security survey of your home. The officer will look at your home the way a criminal would, and will make recommendations for improving your home security. A free inspection can be arranged at your convenience by calling the McLean District Crime Prevention Unit at (703) 556-0756.
McLean Hamlet Public Safety Committee
Information for this web page was provided by Terry Hatami: // (703) 447-1244
Fairfax County
The Fairfax County Public Safety Web Site provides useful information on police, sheriff, fire and rescue, emergency services, and animal control and shelter.